Updated October 1, 2010 : Here are the nationwide winners for these awards ... here
During the month of August, Diners Club invited me to participate in the judging of the Diners Club Wine List of the Year 2011.
During the month of August, Diners Club invited me to participate in the judging of the Diners Club Wine List of the Year 2011.
As a recipient of accolades for the design and compilation of lists, it was wonderful to be on the judging panel for this year’s event.
The wine lists were collected countrywide and judged in Cape Town. I was fortunate enough to have a box containing lists from Johannesburg, with three entrants from Cape Town. I was amazed at the lists presented to me, they were well thought-out, presented and were full of passion. In days past – distribution houses of wine compiled most of the lists in Johannesburg, so it was refreshing to see that it was not the case this time.
The official notifications for the winners will be in September 2011 with the Cape Town ceremony on the September 19, 2011. Of the 30+ wine lists I had the pleasure of reading, seven were Diamond quality, one was completely out of the running and as for the rest ...well wait and see!
The scoring criteria is not a secret code, so for those persons interested, below is the scoring schedule.
Content (35%)
The number of wines on the wine list – Minimum 20 unfortified wines.
The number of wines by the glass compared with the total number of wines.
An original and innovative choice of wines.
Cultivars are sourced from appropriate regions.
Mature and rare wines offered.
The extent of the list of aperitifs, white, red, rose, sparkling & dessert wines, sherries, Cape Brandies and ports.
A broad selection of wine distributors used to procure wines.
Individual wines are well described.
Balance (30%)
There is a balance between modestly priced and expensive wines.
Overall value.
Balance of local and organic, garagiste & boutique wines.
Presence of imported wines and French Champagnes.
Presence of wines relative to the style of the restaurant e.g. some excellent Italian imports for Pasta/Pizzeria type restaurants.
Between wines from different South African Wine of Origin regions.
Different cultivars and styles of wine.
Balance between established and new labels.
Suitability (10%)
List suits cuisine of restaurant.
List fits style and image of restaurant.
Presentation (25%)
List shows vintages.
List shows regions.
Information is accurate, consistent.
Correct spelling.
Clear design, layout which is easy to read and easy to navigate.
Categories that are helpful [e.g. Dry, Off Dry, Wooded, Unwooded, Fortified]
Have food & wine recommendations.
Overall presentation.
P.S. The awards remain a secret until September, so I cannot ‘spill the beans’ just yet!
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